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Ezalor Kaminaka Miniav12-1 Ezalor Kaminaka Miniav12-1 Ezalor Kaminaka Miniav12-1 Ezalor Kaminaka Miniav12-1

Ezalor Kaminaka

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by Arthas Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:01 pm

Basic Information

Name: Ezalor Kaminaka

Age: Appears 27, is actually 5193

Gender: Male

Division: Division 7

Seat: Captain

Looks: Ezalor Kaminaka 16apaqd

Ezalor has light Brown hair, and full facial hair (beard, mustache). He keeps these trimmed short, and has his somewhat long hair tied back into a slick ponytail, which is not visible from the front. He has 2 wisp like bangs coming down about an inch on either side of his forehead. He has thick eyebrows, and piercing blue eyes which are accentuated by his eyebrows. His face has no birthmarks and is fairly smooth, and he has a flat nose and thin lips. He has an odd yellow birthmark on his left hand, which is shaped like a star (night sky kind of thing.)

Personality: Ezalor is normally a calm, sympathetic individual. He cares deeply for his squad and for those he works with, and will always be willing to talk to someone who needs help. However, his passions have often lead him astray. Though he is an Elder captain, and one of the strongest, in many ways he is young beyond his years. He behaves immaturely, and sometimes even naively. His greatest shortcoming is how much he cares for his fellow shinigami, particularly those in squad 7. He feels personally responsible whenever one of his squad members fall, and feels it is his duty to protect them. This heartfelt love for his squad member has sometimes lead him to times of great anger, particularly when the other captains told him his passions and anger were wrong, and that he should not treat the death of such squad members as such a great loss. If he feels something or someone threatens his ideals or his squad members, or harms them he takes it upon himself to hunt them to the ends of the earth, no matter who or what it may be.

(Depending on your rank, please distribute the amount of stats that you receive within the four options)

Shikai: 35
Bankai: 40

Speed: 30
Bankai: 35

Accuracy: 20
Bankai: 30

Stamina: 40
Bankai: 45

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Kyuuten Te

Zanpakuto Looks: - Additionally has an amber gemstone in the center of the hilt.

Zanpakuto Description: It can Generate resonable amounts of light, enough to illuminate a cave, for instance.

Released Zanpakuto Description: Aman'alkir, when released, has many abilties. It passively, whenever continuing an enemy, channels holy energy into them, which attempts to 'purify' their soul itself. This causes, no matter how tiny a wound, causes an immense amount of instantaneous pain. It also allow Ezalor to call down giant pillars of holy fire, to bombard his enemies with, each pillar is roughly on the level of an 65 hadou, and does massive damage (2 stam). When in Shikai, he is able to gather holy energy in his hands, and blast it out towards enemies, in attack that happens blindingly quickly, causing damage in an ability identified as 'holy smite' (level 45) (costs 0.5 stamina per shot).

However, the Greatest power of the shikai of Aman'alkir are in it's defensive and healing properties. It can be used to call upon radiant light from heaven, by raising the sword to the sky, in an ability called 'Purify' to heal Ezalor, causing many wounds to seal up immediate (no major wounds can be healed in this manner only relatively minor ones, i.e. no organ damage, or extremely deep wounds, can be used once every 2 posts. Stamina cost 1).

The zanpakutou also while in shikai generates a lasting Aura around Ezalor, that creates holy energy so dense and thick that it makes any enemies, and allies within 5 yards of Ezalor feel like they are moving in a field of thick molasses, slowing them down by 5.

Also, The zanpakutou can be used to generate enormous amounts of light in a technique known as Radiance. This light is so bright and so blinding, that any enemies within 40 yards who do not turn away or close their eyes will be blinded and dazed for a post. Lasts 6 posts. It's final Ability is known as Divine Providence, a powerful ability that conjures a level 60 around Ezalor and any nearby allies, protecting them from attacks.

Zanpakuto Release Phrase: Reveal the Light of Heaven, Kyuuten te

Released Zanpakuto Looks: The Blade turns completely white, from hilt to tip. There is also a shroud of golden light permanantly hovering around the blade.

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Realm: A marble building wide, and open, with lots of sunlight streaming in from many wide open spaces. There are no shadows in this bright, wide building, with a marble tiled floor, and vast marble columns supporting the roof. Much like an Ancient roman temple.

Bankai Information
(This applies to captains, and advanced lieutenants only)

Bankai Description: When Ezalor releases bankai, The blade of the Zanpakutou turns completely golden, and becomes almost insubstantial: it no longer has an actual physical state. His abilities powers are vastly increased, and he acquires many new abilities. The first new technique he recieves is called pennance: An ability which releases a powerful volley of light from Ezalor's palm, which can heal allies or damage enemies as Ezalor so chooses (90 kido level, 4 stamina cost)

His third Ability is known as sheath of everflowing light: While in bankai state, the sheath of his zanpakutou generates holy energies on its own. After having been in Bankai a post, he can use this energy to form a secondary weapon of pure holy energy of his choosing (A sword, a Mace, any melee weapon) This weapon will last 5 posts (2 stamina cost) .

The Level of Ezalors Heavenly Smite, and Holy Fire abilities are increased by 30/20 respectively, the brightness and eyesight damage of radiance is increased to two posts, on top of this . The pain caused by the purifying benefit of wounds is increased substantially. His 'Purify' technique heals and damages for greater amounts, capable of even repairing lost limbs. The Level of his Divine providence ability is increased by 25. All these abilities have additional 1 stamina cost.
Another ability Ezalor can use when in bankai is known as judgment of the pacifist .This is a powerful, illusory technique. The effects very based upon the target. His Zanpakutou will flare with bright light, and then administer the judgement. The judgement calls upon all of the opponents memories of violence, or misdeeds, and force the pain they administered onto others to be felt. The pain can be almost inconsquential, to beyond bearable, and can drive particularly warlike enemies to insanity In order to enact this, he must make contact with the enemy with his bare skin. 4 stamina cost

Holy Water is a technique that Ezalor can use while in Bankai. It creates an enormous wave of bright, golden water that has the power of a 40's kido. However, the trick of technique is not in the power of the wave, but what happens after.Should an opponent be fully submerged in the water, they will find themselves in a state of total bliss, and have no desire whatsoever to leave the waters, ultimately drowning themselves, but feeling no suffering in the process. After submerging an opponent, the waters will become stagnant, in order to prevent them from accidentally releasing an enemy from their grasp. 3 stamina cost

Hammer of the Heavens is yet another offensive bankai ability that Ezalor possesses. basically, it generates a hammer of holy energy in Ezalor's left hand, which is then hurled at high speed towards the enemy. Upon collision with the target, it deals enormous amounts of holy damage (95 kidoish) . However, if it misses, it can be detonated to create a nova for a 100 yards around its location, blinding, and dealing large damage (65 hadou, 5 stamina cost)

Divine Aegis: Ezalor can create a bulwark shield of pure light, which he will carry in his left hand, providing a mighty personal defense, that can block kido of up to level 95. This shield lasts for two posts. It must be actively moved to block attacks, as would a normal shield. (6 stamina to generate)

Healing Light: Using the healing properties of Aman'Alkir, Ezalor channels a ray of healing light from his zanpakutou which can heal a target of his choosing. This healing ability can repair even damaged organs to a degree (i.e. an organ that was completely destroyed this would be impossible) This powerful healing ability removes any poisons, or disease-like debilitating effects that the target may have suffered (4 stamina cost)

Storm of Lost Lights: Ezalor's most powerful bankai ability. Raising his zanpakutou to the sky, wisps of light energy pour out of the blade, and take shape as what seem to be small golden sphers of energy. thousands of such spheres form, and are released from the blade, and then begin to rapidly spin around the entire area around Ezalor in every direction. Only within 5 yards of Ezalor himself is unaffected. The area encompassed beyond this point is huge. Each sphere individually does not cause enormous damage, but due to the enormous number of them, it is impossible for a foe to stand in the affected area for more than several seconds before being killed by the vast bombardment of attacks. Should an opponent realize how to escape the damage they will be incurring, and fight Ezalor within his 5 yard radius, Ezalor is free to engage them with any light born weapons he may have already previously conjured, but cannot use any zanpakutou abilties to fight them off. The storm will still rage while this is occuring. Lasts 3 posts (8 stamina cost)

Defense of the Angered gods: An ability which will passively protect Ezalor for 2 posts, or until he chooses to cancel it. This ability creates an invisibile trigger-area around Ezalor. Should any enemy attempt to move through it, no matter how great their speed, Gargantuan fists of divine energy will appear from the air and repel them, causing somewhat heavy blunt damage. While this is active, Ezalor cannot move, but can perform ranged attacks. This does not repel ranged attacks. (5 stamina cost)

Bankai Looks: The metal of the blade dissapears, creating a blade of pure, shifting holy energy in it's place, that has all of the density and strengths of a normal metal, but noen of the weaknesses ((I.e. doesn't conduct electicity.)) During Bankai, Ezalor is clad in the pure white robes, complete with a hood. He gains a shining, silver armor over this, that protects him from kido up to 70. Additionally, on his back, large golden wings are sprouted, which can be used to fly at high speeds, and are especially useful for quick evasion.

Alterations: (What changes on your looks when Bankai is used, may not apply)

History and RP Sample

Human Arc: Ezalor grew up in the lap of luxury. Born into a billionaire household, he grew up with as good a life as anyone could desire- however, his parents were extra careful not to spoil him despite their success, and were very caring and loving people. He did well in school, and despite having financial status which would have caused many youth to become cruel, selfish, and spoiled, due to the careful upbringing proffered by his parents, he became none of those things. He was kind, generous, but also very emotional, even since a young age. He was quite intelligent, and diligent for a child his age. However, despite his obvious talent, and charisma, and seeming destiny for greatness, Ezalor was not blessed with a long life. At the remarkably young age of seven, he was Killed in a car accident. His mother was with him at the time, and their soul chains were getting short by the time A shinigami stumbled upon them. He immediately noticed that despite being only a child, Ezalor's spiritual pressure was enormous for his age: double the size of the shinigami's own. He quickly performed the ritual on Ezalor, but just as his journey to the soul society, Ezalor's mother entered her hollow transformation, and he watched in horror as the shinigami was forced to cut it down.

Soul Society Arc: Ezalor grew up in Rukongai district 4 and in a noble house. Since a young age, he felt a deep since of concern and sympathy for those who worked and lived under the noble family. By age 4, he knew everyone within his houses name, and was well liked by all. As a member of such a noble house, he was expected to become a captain, and did not dissapoint. He went to the soul reaper academy at very young age of 11, and in just 4 years, graduated. Despite the fact that he seem to be a jack of all trades, and was a source of envy for many of the elder members of the academy at the time, however he was still well-liked due to his amiable, friendly personality. Though admired and liked by his fellow students, his academy instructors however, were annoyed by his strong sense of justice, and his genuine concern for each and every shinigami. When told about how it was sometimes necessary to sacrifice many shinigami in battle to attain a higher goal, he grew furious with the instructor. He believed that all shinigami's lives were to be valued, and not taken so lightly. Though this caused much anger amongst the administration of the academy, they could not keep someone with Ezalor's talent from graduating. He joined the Gotei 13 at the age of fifteen, as a member of squad 7. The members of squad 7 were impressed with his combat prowess, especially in someone so young, and just 3 years later he became a lieutenant. For the next few centuries, he trained privately and became very skilled with the sword, despite his hatred of its evil and its form. At 150, he unlocked bankai, and trained with it for hundreds of years afterward, At age 700, he finally became a captain, a position that should have been his long ago.However, he was very passionate about what he deemed to be 'justice' and would almost blindly follow his passions, or his desires for revenge. Whenever he is training with a member of his squad or another, he has been noted to refuse to release the blade, saying that his zanpakuto is not to be released so leniently. His generally amiable personality makes him one of the most beloved captains amongst his underlings, most of whom think squad seven is the best squad to be in because of its leadership. Throughout his life, however, a single thing has weighed heavily on his shoulders. One of his best friends from the rukongai, died in action and Ezalor had been seconds away from saving him. As a lieutenant, he was able to easily dispatch the hollow, but ever since he has blamed himself for his friends death, which is why he feels he has a personal duty to protect all those weaker than him.

Blade Wall: Arthas using two hands, in addition to his reaitsu, arthas spins his sword in front of him rapidly, so rapidly that it generates a blue wall of reaitsu as the blade spins. This wall of reaitsu is very strong, and is capable of blocking almost any physical attack, along with hadou up to level 80. The downside to this technique is it forces his wrists to bend at an unnatural angle, therefore he must stand still while performing it. once per two post cooldown.

RP Sample: The rain began to fall quite suddenly, the clouds above the Seireitei able to hold the water no longer. Arthas glanced up at the sky, a drop of the now fast falling rain water hitting the center of his forehead. He drew his gaze back to the ground in front of him. He continued walking. As captain of the seventh division he had been sent to resolve the conflict which had emerged between the 69th and the 70th division. He heard the sounds of violence coming from the nearby two districts, and realized that the unrest was far greater than the Seireitei had believed. He quickly used shunpo to ascend the nearby ridge, and looked down upon a grim scene. Bodies were scattered everywhere in the 70th district, the 69th had launched a surprise attack, and bodies of women and children lined the streets alongside those of men. Anger stirred in Arthas’ heart. What was the need for this senseless conflict? What did it bring but harm to those involved, and to those who did not wish to be? He clenched his fists. He would stop this violence here, and now. No more innocents need die. Using shunpo, he arrived in the middle of the fray, where a group of 70th members were making a stand. As the two sides began to clash Arthas called out “Hadou Number 25, Searing Light” A blinding light shot forth from the captains location, and he heard screams of fear and surprise from the stunned combatants. As the blinded Rukongai citizens began to get their bearings Arthas stood in the middle of them, shaking with rage. In a voice laced with hot fury he yelled to the fighters who surrounded him “Have you learned nothing? What good does this senseless violence bring? War only brings torment, sorrow and loss to all involved. Surely you all must understand the pain of loss, and yet you only inflict more of it upon yourselves through your actions. You disgust me.” He was on the verge of crying now. “If we war amongst ourselves, we are no better than hollows. For our brutality destroys our conscience and if we allow our hatred to overstep our morality, how are we better than they? Look around you. What good has come of this, this sickening violence?” Members of both sides, who had recently regained their vision, began to look down shamefully, and shuffle their feet. Arthas sighed, and hoped his message had gotten through to them. “Members of the 69th return to your district. There’s been enough bloodshed for one day.” As the attacking force began to collect their weapons and walk out of the district Arthas looked up once again. The rain poured forth from the heavens, as if the sky itself was crying. He was glad for the rain, for it disguised his tears. It would not do for the members of the Rukongai to see a captain crying.

Last edited by Arthas on Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:23 pm; edited 25 times in total
Seventh Division Captain
Seventh Division Captain

Posts : 738
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Registration date : 2009-06-02

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by Arthas Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:10 am

Complete and ready for approval.
Seventh Division Captain
Seventh Division Captain

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Registration date : 2009-06-02

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by DewBunny Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:07 am

This one is mine staff so back off

I'll be updating this when i wake up


Posts : 545
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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by Arthas Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:44 pm

Seventh Division Captain
Seventh Division Captain

Posts : 738
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Registration date : 2009-06-02

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by Kenji Akira Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:10 am

Ummm, Can you seperate your history in arcs please?
Kenji Akira
Kenji Akira

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by Arthas Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:04 am

done so.
Seventh Division Captain
Seventh Division Captain

Posts : 738
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Registration date : 2009-06-02

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by DewBunny Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:51 am

2). However, any enemies who are within a 10 yard range of Ezalor are also effected by this divine energy, in a very negative way. Any wounds healed by this spell, deal instant, equivalent damage to enemies who are too close.
Take this out

The zanpakutou also while in shikai generates a lasting Aura around Ezalor, that creates holy energy so dense and thick that it makes any enemies, and allies within 25 yards of Ezalor feel like they are moving in a field of thick molasses, slowing them down by 5.

Quite simply No this is a shikai ability the range is too much and it's not effecting you at all this also makes it impossible to actually attack you effectively. Seriously man Drop your powering back some. I've said it before i'll say it again you overpower simply to be the strongest and i won't allow that anymore.

This light is so bright and so blinding, that any enemies within 40 yards who do not turn away or close their eyes will be blinded and dazed for 2 posts. It can also provide Ezalor with a defensive buff called 'Inner Fire (yes, i know its name from wow, bear with me) that protects Ezalor from very cold temperatures, and ice/Shadow kido of up to level 25, and reducing the damage of kido of higher levels than that. Lasts 6 posts. It's final Ability is known as Divine Providence, a powerful ability that conjures a level 60 around Ezalor and any nearby allies, protecting them from attacks.

Two posts? i think not. One post and a cooldown. Inner Fire? Drop it you're not getting shields like that. Divine Providence, Drop the level. once again SHIKAI you want stuff about 50 you bankai it and i expect drawbacks on it. work on this while i go over the rest


Posts : 545
+1 Total : 2
Age : 33
Registration date : 2009-07-31

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by DewBunny Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:59 am

When Ezalor releases bankai, The blade of the Zanpakutou turns completely golden, and becomes almost insubstantial: it no longer has an actual physical state. His abilities powers are vastly increased, and he acquires many new abilities. The first new technique he recieves is called pennance: An ability which releases a powerful volley of light from Ezalor's palm, which can heal allies or damage enemies as Ezalor so chooses (90 kido level).

A few things here, no physical form means if i catch you cutting anything, Air earth water people. I'm going to be on you. Second Pennance? MASSIVE stam drain and a charge up post and you're not gonna pick and choose who you help and hurt you'll do all one or all the other. You need a range on this as well.

Another is known as Blessing of Divinity: By channeling the holy energies of his zanpakutou it allies, he can inspire to fight harder, more vigorously, dispelling any fears.This cures any allies of any Mental Impairments, or illusions currently affecting them, and increases their strength by 5 (cannot affect Ezalor.)

No...just no.....that's a stat boost on a massive scale. effecting you or not it's pick and choosy so no just drop this

His third Ability is known as sheath of everflowing light: While in bankai state, the sheath of his zanpakutou generates holy energies on its own. After having been in Bankai a post, he can use this energy to form a secondary weapon of pure holy energy of his choosing (A sword, a Mace, any melee weapon) This weapon will last 5 posts.

No...the sheath on a zanpaktou does nothing....and where is this holy energy coming from if not the sheath? PLUS you have no drawbacks for this and no stamina drain. ANYTHING YOU DO WILL DRAIN YOUR STAMINA IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER so keep that in mind? glare

While in bankai, his zanpakutou applies an ability to himself that is called "Fortified mind" What this does, is fortifies the mind against most types of illusionary or optical censory assaults, allowing him to see through almost all illusions that rely on eyesight. Due to this, his eyes glow with a divine golden light.

Bulls*** and i have a feeling this was put in after Shiro Kitsune was posted so just drop it. because you're not gonna refit your character to be a tank it's just not gonna happen.

The Level of Ezalors Heavenly Smite, and Holy Fire abilites are increased by 30/20 respectively, the brightness and eyesight damage of radiance is increased to three posts. The pain caused by the purifying benefit of wounds is increased substantially. His 'Purify' technique heals and damages for greater amounts, capable of even repairing lost limbs. The Level of his Divine providence ability is increased by 25. His Inner Fire ability provides significantly greater protection from ice/shadow techs, and from cold.

I'm okay with building on shikai but tone it back and give it drains also what i said about shikai is still in effect.

Ezalor gains an ability called blades of dancing light, that can be used every two posts. What this does is allow his zanpakutou to create an additional sword, at a location of Ezalor's Choosing for his strikes during that posts. This sword is created mid swing, and performs the same motions of Ezalor, and is made of condensed holy energy. It can be created at any location within 75 yards that Ezalor so chooses.

No....simply no...this is a blade that appears without warning and doesn't cost you a you think i'm an idiot man? seriously

Another ability Ezalor can use when in bankai is known as judgement of the pacifist .This is a powerful, illusionary technique. The effects very based upon the target. His Zanpakutou will flare with bright light, and then administer the judgement. The judgement calls upon all of the opponents memories of violence, or misdeeds, and force the pain they administered onto others to be felt. The pain can be almost inconsquential, to beyond bearable, and can drive particularly warlike enemies to insanity.

WHAT?!? seriously man you're getting ridiculous here just take this out because it's a fail. no requirements on your part to enact and no drawbacks here. Hell even Shiro requires me to physically touch the target with my Zanpaktou. you have to what? breath?

Holy Water is a technique that Ezalor can use while in Bankai. It creates an enormous wave of bright, golden water that has the power of a 40's kido. However, the trick of technique is not in the power of the wave, but what happens after.Should an opponent be fully submerged in the water, they will find themselves in a state of total bliss, and have no desire whatsoever to leave the waters, ultimately drowning themselves, but feeling no suffering in the process. After submerging an opponent, the waters will become stagnant, in order to prevent them from accidentally releasing an enemy from their grasp.

Huh? lemme get this're giving us a golden shower? wrong as that sounds this is stupid. Where's the water coming from this is too massive for fourty and no idiot in their right mind is just gonna let themselves be hit with this. plus once again you forget. NOTHING IS FREE. seriously man do you think when you make this stuff or do you find it funny to waste our time having to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over

Holy orb is an offensive, or evasion technique which Ezalor uses against opponents. After condensing holy energies from his sword to his palm, He releases the energies, sending out large, person sized ball of light energy, that causes damage to those hit by it equivalent to a 65 hadou. Additionally, at any point during the orbs blast, he can instantly teleport to the location, without the same tax as shunpoing the usually relatively large distance, and to escape tight situations.

No Take it out just take it out this isn't gonna be debated you're not teleporting and you're not gonna be firing these off at random.

Hammer of the Heavens is yet another offensive bankai ability that Ezalor possesses. basically, it generates a hammer of holy energy in Ezalor's left hand, which is then hurled at high speed towards the enemy. Upon collision with the target, it deals enormous amounts of holy damage (95 kidoish) . However, if it misses, it can be detonated to create a nova for a 100 yards around its location, blinding, and dealing large damage (65 hadou)

STAMINA....Imagine an annoying cheer leader saying that in a "i was like 'duh'" manner alright? You need drawbacks and a range for this to go flying it's not gonna blow up to the size of two football fields either. also charge timee for anything over 90 is gonna be a two post attack so drop it or charge it and add a cooldown.

Seal of Shared Pain: Applies a divine seal to an enemy target for 3 posts. During this time period, everytime they succesfully land a blow on Ezalor, or anyone else, a holy sword willl be conjured, instantly riposting the attack for equivalent damage to the amount they dealt.

Do i have to say it? How do you PLACE THIS. and no that's not gonna happen either way because then it's an autohit and you'll just attack then without consequence. Take it out

Divine Aegis: Ezalor can create a bulwark shield of pure light, which he will carry in his left hand, providing a mighty personal defense, that can block kido of up to level 95. This shield lasts for two posts. It must be actively moved to block attacks, as would a normal shield.

You're full blocking up to 95? you seriously need me to say it? nope nada nyet iyya and my personal favorite *man falls off a cliff* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
oooooooooooooooooooooooooo...........*holds up a finger* *imitates splatting* DRAWBACKS YOU N33DZ TEHM

Healing Light: Using the healing properties of Aman'Alkir, Ezalor channels a ray of healing light from his zanpakutou which can heal a target of his choosing. This healing ability can repair even damaged organs to a degree (i.e. an organ that was completely destroyed this would be impossible) This powerful healing ability removes any poisons, or disease-like debilitating effects that the target may have suffered. should just get a tape recorder saying this huh? Power of healing is too much. you're not healing organs nothing....heals...organs.... seriously this whole bankai reeks of fail man

Storm of Lost Lights: Ezalor's most powerful bankai ability. Raising his zanpakutou to the sky, wisps of light energy pour out of the blade, and take shape as what seem to be small golden sphers of energy. thousands of such spheres form, and are released from the blade, and then begin to rapidly spin around the entire area around Ezalor in every direction. Only within 5 yards of Ezalor himself is unaffected. The area encompassed beyond this point is huge. Each sphere individually does not cause enormous damage, but due to the enormous number of them, it is impossible for a foe to stand in the affected area for more than several seconds before being killed by the vast bombardment of attacks. Should an opponent realize how to escape the damage they will be incurring, and fight Ezalor within his 5 yard radius, Ezalor is free to engage them with any light born weapons he may have already previously conjured, but cannot use any zanpakutou abilties to fight them off. The storm will still rage while this is occuring. Lasts 3 posts.

This i am okay with. Stamina drain needed and a cooldown. Other than that i'm fine with it

Defense of the Angered gods: An ability which will passively protect Ezalor for 2 posts, or until he chooses to cancel it. This ability creates an invisibile trigger-area around Ezalor. Should any enemy attempt to move through it, no matter how great their speed, Gargantuan fists of divine energy will appear from the air and repel them, causing somewhat heavy blunt damage. While this is active, Ezalor cannot move, but can perform ranged attacks. This does not repel ranged attacks.

to perform said ranged attacks you are moving so no and put a drain in seriously man i'm gonne drill a hole in your skull to let the stamina flow out.

on top of all this it's too many attacks for a bankai so pick five and drop the rest. more can be added through training and request center

Blade storm: Ezalor uses this technique by spinning rapdiyl with his zanpakutou pointing out in front of him. By doiing this, it creates a storm of slices, capable of severly damaging enemies on contact. He is able to move while performing this technique

Air Wall: Combined with his great strength, and massive Reaitsu, Ezalor Swings his blade down with great force in front of him, creating a shockwave of reaitsu filled air which is more than capable of damaging opponents. This gets stronger the larger his reaitsu is.

Critical Strike: Ezalors' knowledge of physical combat dramatically increases the damage his blows deal, by aiming for proper spots to cause the maximum amount of damage with even grazing wounds

Mirror Image: A master sword skill, which allows the user to continually strike at the opponent, but at the same time leave an afterimage for the opponents eyes, disorienting them.

Dual-wielding mastery: Though he normally he wields one weapon, Ezalor has trained himself to the point where he is almost ambidextrous, and can wield two weapons just as easily and fluidly as one. He also has trained using his bankai with a variety of different offhand weapons (Axes, maces, shortswords, longswords, w/e it may be) and is proficient in the use of just about every combination.

Take this out and fix your age 27 you should actually be maybe 800 or 900 at most and you're not an elder captain anymore


Posts : 545
+1 Total : 2
Age : 33
Registration date : 2009-07-31

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by Arthas Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:51 am

Im not sure why on earth youre under the impression that all of this is free... None of it is, I would have thought just about anyone could have figured that out. Im sorry for not labeling stam costs on everything, but the majority of the apps I've seen don't have stam costs on every single ability-- including yours.

Why, exactly, am i disallowed from having the sword techs?

Also, im not exactly sure why I don't have permission to be elder captain, is there any particular reason?
Seventh Division Captain
Seventh Division Captain

Posts : 738
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Registration date : 2009-06-02

Character sheet
Character Name::
Point Bar:
Ezalor Kaminaka Left_bar_bleue0/0Ezalor Kaminaka Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by DewBunny Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:31 pm

Actually you're wrong, My apps do have stamina drains and drawbacks on them so i don't ever wanna see that childish tactic of "well they got away with it" slip past your fingers again. to top this off my applications are both being looked over and redone because i got tired of complaints i was overpowered being true. You're not an elder captain anymore because there never was such a rank. at the time we simply needed the captain and you were the only person who didn't seem incompetent.

As far as the every single ability thing goes you had yet to lable ONE ability with a stam drain. so really you can't point and bark because you're on leash with the cop that has drugs.

as far as the sword techs go their ridiculous you have a flurry of slices any idiot can do. a burst of air that damages enemies that you can fire off at random. An ability to double the damage of your strikes if not triple it, an afterimage thing that is completely bogus, and a duel weilding thing we would assume you'd already have. to be honest it's a waste of space and it's either god modding over powering or C all of the above.

Honestly I don't know what you thought you could accomplish by posting without fixing a damned thing but since I'm not willing to argue with you over and application I know you could man up and fix quickly, you have until 9pm eastern standard time, (that's 6 1/2 hours from this post's timestamp) to complete this application or your position will be thrown up for grabs because half the staff and a few of the members are tired of the crap you've been pulling over applications and attacks.


Posts : 545
+1 Total : 2
Age : 33
Registration date : 2009-07-31

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Ezalor Kaminaka Empty Re: Ezalor Kaminaka

Post by DewBunny Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:03 am

Yup times up i even went lenient and gave you a full extra day. You're done here arty this application is denied and your position now up for grabs to whoever gets an app in so have fun man


Posts : 545
+1 Total : 2
Age : 33
Registration date : 2009-07-31

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