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Sweet Danny and lisa

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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by Zaquri Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:41 pm

Basic Information

Name: Cocaine

Gender: Male

Age: Actual: 6400 Visual:22

Looks: Cocaine stands at depicted height, but makes up for
it in sheer bearing alone. His face is too rounded about the chin to
have the classical and dangerously sharp features, although he remedies
this by the clipping of his pale hair to a decent chin length. His
white mask gives much suspicion to strangers as to why he would
actually wear this mask. Cocaine looks as if he has something to hide,
though much people would not know. Close enough such an assumption may
be, but the expression in Cocaine's eyes in one, which few would match
to a normal bookworm. If it were not for the fact that he laughs so
much-or possibly even despite it-one could imagine him to be enraged by
how intense his gaze can be once attracted to a subject, and by just
how much it demands to be granted anything and everything on the spot.

Sweet Danny and lisa Darker_than_black5


That the world is a game is an excuse used by
more than one soul to explain away precisely -why- they find the ideas
of mundane thought to be alternately boring and hysterical, but it is
again applied to Cocaine. Take a mind gifted with a proper intellect
and give it room to grow, and then introduce to it the lure that all of
reality could be understood and controlled-one only had to study it
from the proper angle. This mind would belong to a young boy born in
the shadow of the towers of others. The key? Water.

possesses just enough intellect to see past the games of breakfast,
lunch and bed, and not quite enough to know that buckling down and
working to control the world was a far safer venue that setting
yourself up as a demonic lord. But to hear it from him, the latter
itself would be foolishness; there are far greater prizes to be won
than kingdoms or even gods. Cocaine has an ambition which burns inside
him to possess reality itself, and to those ends there is nothing
sacred. All those who would cling to the practice of gaining
traditional power or worshiping deities who seem so weak on their own
thrones are considered lacking in ambition by the Bount, who tends to
see rules and restrictions as challenges for growth. The concepts of
dark arts are laughable for Cocaine, who sees no such thing as good or
evil. Morality, in his eyes, is set down by the gods to be followed by
quaking mortal sheep, and if you need not obey them then why should you
abstain? For this reason, it is quite simple for the man to perform
deeds which could be considered perversions of nature or of justice-why
bother stopping? Who was going to catch you? The police? Well, if you
were weak enough or shortsighted enough to be stopped by a -cop-, then
you deserved your fate.

Understandably, Cocaine thinks of the
divine as being nothing more than overgrown humans who have power that
they should keep better watch over lest it be taken from them. There is
no reason in his eyes as to why a human cannot attain that level,
particularly not when the gods pluck away souls and then bind them to
their wants.

By the same token, Cocaine suffers from feeling as
if there are no absolutes in the world. He occasionally tires of his
own games, knowing by his own logic that reality is only what he is
reaching for, and if he should put his side of the playing pieces down
then there are no stories of justice or morals to rally him back. He is
far too proud to resort to giving into such illusions, however,

do you do when you see the seams of the world and also see just how
frail they truly are? When you can shake out the game of mortal lives
and bind it to your own ambition to give it its only worth, what rule
is there to command you when the nights are quiet and the rewards not
as bright as they had once seemed to be?

You entertain yourself.
Cocaine has no intentions yet of giving into the same despair which his
own logics have brought him to, and if his laughter is a little too
wild and a little too out of control-forgive him, he's only having a
long day.

Cocaine also has a noted lack of patience, expecting
other people to at least be enrolled in whichever task they claim to be
intent on. Those who will not either admit to having no interest or no
purpose in being involved with a subject are only wastes of time. When
the necromancer has a more relaxed schedule, he does not mind being
diverted, but when he is fixed upon a task he demands for it to be
completed and to the flames can be resigned any who do not intend to
help or get out of his way. Because of this, many can be put off by
Cocaine's mannerisms, which swing from utterly playful to ruthlessly in
demand for them to perform appropriately. His life in a complete
disarray he follows his own.

The Bount also enjoys amused
whining and being utterly off-balance in his approach to others. At
heart, he knows that he would rather be seen in thrall to a baker's
cart than actually resist fulfilling one of his plans due to mere
complaints, but it's far too entertaining to watch other people react.
For a man with such a sense of pride, he gives up a surprising amount
in just how silly he can get-incomprehensible to all save those who see
just how sensitive he can get when his intellectual capacities, the
true root of his vanity, are mocked and assumed lacking.

Rank: Shooting for 5

Doll Information

Name: Soakduo

A Disco Man with sun glasses
and a green Afro. the Green Afro man Soakudo Can materialize from
Cocaine's body form water. As his form can be taken out he can disperse
back into Cocaine at any given location. Their connectivity allows them
to perform the exact reverse of that

Ethereal Water

water by manipulation and recreation. Because of the doll's fusion with
cocaine, when he actually projects the doll, it comes out as an
element. The water can be fully manipulated down to the molecular
level. Making items out of water. The moisture in the air can be taken
out and manipulated to Cocaine's will. If Cocaine's water has cut an
opponents body and only Cocaine's water that he controls, the molecules
can enter and All Cocaine can do is manipulate them from in there.

AS explained in the manifestation.

Cocaine's body. Because
of the Fused doll, The bounto power is used by a manifestation of
weapons that can be excreted out of his body. A spear can come out and
that would be the medium of The Soakudo. If Soakudo is materialized. He
comes out that weapon. Soakudo cannot be separated from that weapon or
the weapon turns to dust and Soakudo is transported back into Cocaine.


No techniques for the moment. Except for this passive ability
Direct Contraction

relation to the element of Cocaine, He manipulated the water down to
its basis core. Hydrogen and oxygen. by manipulating it even further he controls the distribution and actions of the electrons of the water and inside his body.

(Depending on your rank, please distribute the amount of stats that you receive within the four options)


Speed: 30

Accuracy: 25

Stamina: 25

History and RP Sample

Cocaine was born in a family of 12. The point of
consistency his parents had planned made names un-important, given the
name 7 he was set off to live while his parents did what they do. Being
homeschooled with his other siblings, He happened to make a friend with
number 4, being five years underneath his own age at the time. Growing
up to break from the pack of the similarities and indifference all the
siblings shared Cocaine led to become a CEO of a Company with high
stature. At age 23 he was sent a letter from his parents. Cocaine was
in dissary, he thought he had broken off all ties from them never
wanting them to be in his life. He ignored the letters as they continue
to swarm him. Eventually a letter from number 5 came to him and he

Visiting the home of his parent he scowled,
spitting on the ground in the loath he possessed. getting tired of
waiting on the doorstep Cocaine kicked down the door and took a look
inside to find mommy and daddy dearest. He searched and search but
found nothing at all. Getting a snack from the refrigerator he noticed
a dog running past him. Not remembering a dog he decided to follow it,
leading him to the basement. The stench decided to play with his nose
as he curled it up with disgust. He saw bodies on the floor around him
stabbed with multiple wounds as he saw a few still breathing. Bending
down to see who he was, Cocaine herd a deep rumbling noise. Looking
over to the right he saw his parents over a a heart like shape. Inside
this shape on the floor he saw some kanji characters of the Japanese of
the Japanese. Cocaine read it slowly fearing what was happened.
''. A bright light came from the circle as a demon emerged
hastily as if he hasn't seen the light in so long. Grabbing cocaine's
parents quickly he devoured them as their blood rained in the room.
Quickly looking over at Cocaine. Cocaine began to shiver as his legs
became locked with fear. In flash the man next to him slightly
breathing was gone, into the creatures mouth. The Demon then lunged for
Cocaine as his hands ran claws down his back Cocaine soon passed out.
Waking up in uncharted waters. Cocaine found himself in the middle of
nowhere, on water. Quickly taking a drink of the water he found it
salted realizing it was the ocean. he tried to sit up founding that his
back hurt like hell, a voice mused inside his head. Telling him of what
has happened and what will happen from now on. Cocaine's life changed
form this point on. They fused.

When Cocaine was making his way
through the pacific he was almost near death from hunger. He couldn't
stand it anymore. His life reaching a near end Cocaine reached an
island. Suprised by the vacancy and the large house that resided in it,
Cocaine stayed here for almost a year. Hunting for his food and
ordering ship packagements of other things due to the catalog, the
Bounto trained relentlessly day and night to stive for one thing over
all ese. Speed in due time a year was almost up and Cocaine was too
attached to the house. Finding native locals on the island, he banded
them together and they proceeded to worship him. Calling him"Sokudo".
Cocaine found this very amusing until one day a man came to the island.
wanting to take over the island for his own agenda, cocaine stood up to
him, using Soakudo for the first time, Cocaine found thier powers to be
very similar. The man had reached what he had called "bankai" Cocaine
was relived, his damn staff was beating the look out of him. All hope
was near until he sprouted a Shamshir. A very, very long shamshir.
Cocaine's as.s was brutally kicked by the speed of the man. His
techniques were unorthodox and his taunting never gave up. Cocaine felt
his body losing hydration and it started to shrivel up.

wouldn't let that happen, Running straight for the ocean, the man named
now revealed as SiC ran straight after him purely confident. In their
ocean battle, Cocaine compressed the water around him and flattened him
with over a trillion tons of water pressure. His body curled up into a
ball and turned blue. Soakduo in his body seethed for him to take it
and Cocaine received the man's immense speed and his attributes,
tasting his first, delectable soul. Over the rest of the years training
Cocaine decided to leave his island until further notice. The man named
SiC taught him that there are many, many other people stronger than him
out there and he planned to being his kind together. Entering Karakura
town Cocaine roamed the streets, trying to bring together whatever of
these so called "bounto", which he learned from Soakudo, are and how to
stand above.

Cocaine spent the next hundreds of his years
progressing his control over his Doll, their fused entity allowed
Cocaine a more smooth Control over himself as well as the animalistic
cravings of the Doll. And until now....

RP Sample:

stepped down from the steps with a quick glance looking back at the
enormous complex behind him. He smiled at the actions he took place as
well as the others that joined him in the place. He thought of the
things that happened and what they said <natural....>> Walking past the block, not before locking the
front door. Cocaine had something to do. The picture was on his mind
but the action might not be the due. Cocaine's roulette perked up form
his boredom and he began to run down to the next black.

Convenience store, a failed project that went bankruptcy from the
crumbling economy. He walked into the repossessed store and acquired
some goods. The reishi particles of a shinigami and Quincy. He recalled
on Soakudo's memories and thought for their names....<and.....Victor. Hm. The shinigami is dead, tssk.>> Cocaine's lip
curled. Not sure if his plan would completely work, he put the reishi
remains in a special test tube. His Hachiwara, Soakudo's latest piece
of equipment now growing unfavorable. Now extracted and strapped to his
own back, Cocaine exited the store. Leaving with some nourishment and
some spare soul particle of his Biito gatherers.

Cocaine walked
down the streets, tubes tightly held in his fingers. Thinking of what
the old Cocaine what of done. Denying the fact that he still indeed is
weak, unbeknown to Soakudo who constantly reminds him of his held out
powers. Cocaine laughed to himself watching the white snowflakes fall
down. He scowled. The white substance, root of all evil. Thinking back
to a man named Tenkaze, Cocaine laughs as he remembered himself
pathetically trying to stand his ground and he fell onto his face.
Turning over while he faced up Cocaine found himself laying in an alley
behind his re-possessed store. Hours trudged the supernatural town
slowly and snow piled up covering Cocaine in their. bystanders came by
looking at the man wondering whats wrong with the person. "Is he dead?"
Asked one mother. " The idiot froze to death. Hea!" came from the voice
one teenager. Murmurs builded and Cocaine soon bolted awake. He snapped
up and turned around, the teenager quickly fled the vicinity in fear
and the middle aged women stood there scared out of her mind. Knees
trembling with a look of horror locked onto her face. Cocaine quickly
grabbed the woman's sweater collar dragging her along the snow and went
into the shop, her struggles and frantic calls for help fell on no ones

Her kicks screams reign rampant and Cocaine saw the signal
lights fly about. The teenager riding in one of the police squad cars.
Must have called the 5-0. Pulling a switch behind the shop, Cocaine
activated the immediate self-destruction module. Cocaine dropped in a
tube along with the woman and the shop blew up into huge explosion due
to the 1 ton of C3 that was in place. The Police officers stopped
abruptly, crashing into streetlights and signs along with other debris
or bystanders that happened to be in the way from the long drawn out
explosion that occurred right in front of them. The Police officer
comforted the crying teenager over the lost of his mother and labeled
the incident as a gas leak with two lost lives.

In a dark watery
area two bodies floated in a little puddle. From the puddle a being
emerged and dragged the two bodied through a tunnel. The walked through
and threw the bodies on a cot and turned out a switch to reveal his
face to be the one of Cocaine's doll, Soakudo. The dimly lit area was
so dull and obscure. Its cold reign and its malicious atmosphere
appeared to be one that was only used for the steepest and most
forbidden areas to practice. Many would call it a hell hole or
"frightening" to many should who decided to look at it. Cocaine sat up
with a sigh. <>
Soakudo disappeared with a frown and the woman got up slowly looking
around fearfully. "Dear god where am I? I know my righ-" Cocaine
backhanded the woman, subsequently shutting her up as she fell off the
cot. Cocaine pulled the woman by her hair, with her yelling and
protestant calls, he dragged her onto a steel table. With a syringe he
injected a orange liquid inside of her. To much avail to her screams.

watched as she struggled for half an hour. Her Screams turned to wails
and wails to shouts of jolting pain and silent crying. The woman
prompted to fully claw out her own throat preaching to Cocaine to rid
her of the "worms" and "Oyashiro-sama". Her blood flowed freely and her
high pitched screams fell silent...the woman hunched over and crunched,
her physical existence ending and her soul ejected crying over her
situation still unknown that she died. Cocaine smiled and shoved the
body off the table, with her soul chain still connected. Cocaine put
sekiseki restraints on the woman holding her down to the table. Cocaine
took out a scalpel and another gray colored syringe and injected the
materials in the woman's neck. Using his scalpel he cut down slowly
across her chest.

had heard of the attack and uses shunpo to appear in the same room as
Cocaine, It was wonder how even got in but he was just like that. He
looks at him "So your the bount leader." His reiatsu was massive, Much
massivly more powerful then a normal shinigami and a black wolf with a
X scar on its chest lands beside me, This wolf was also massive
reiatsu, and it was close to even mine. "Why are you torturing that
woman." With his extrmely fast shunpo he quickly uses Kanji on the
spirit letting it pass on to the Soul Socicety and appears back beside
renu "You know what your doing is evil, Right? Bount leader."

looks to the man who had been wandering through the catacombs of his
lab. Cocaine laughed and slouched back, his arm with the scalpel in his
hand dangling to the side. Cocaine looked at the man and placed the
scalpel on the tray, subsequently ripping out the woman's soul link and
putting it on the tray.


laughed to himself, a joyful look appeared on his visage and Cocaine
wiped his hands with a hot towel. Walking to the man he offered him a
seat and sat on a cot against the wall. Having his hand on the side of
his head he asked is second question.


hunched over and let a laugh reign through in the air. He stopped and
narrowed his eyes at the man. <DOING!?>> The man held the ripped out soul link and pushed the
woman over the table. <> He pocketed the soul link
and looked at Snow. <me in this time period, Bountou>>

walked to the man with a smile on his face, his head held in a position
in an upward angle. <> Cocaine said with a
fake Russian accent. <created here. And at the moment I am recreating something.>>
Cocaine's eyes widened immediately when the man made an immaculate slow
movement to the position of Cocaine. His trudging movements were
tracking as the dog stayed where it was. The soul, Cocaine's experiment
was laid to the shinigami's effort due to his "ritual" Was Cocaine mad?
You could say that with a defiant yes. Cocaine had little information
that his brethren had ran off into the open and flaunted their
existence that a no-name shinigami would automatically know of their
leader. How many they have killed, or tortured boiled The Bountou's

The Shinigami was afraid. Cocaine could literally taste
this off of his devious fangs. His shunpo just to save the soul and run
back to his dog..he contained no resolve at all! This man, this excuse
decided to walk into His domain and tried to punish him?! Cocaine!? No.
This was unacceptable, this shinigami wouldn't "pay" He would have to
be punished...yes...punishment seemed to be the best remedy in this
situation. Cocaine took a callus step forward. His foot cracked against
the ground and the reiatsu in the air became thick, it was lagging
incredibly, making it hard for the most skilled of folks to find
themselves able to breathe. Cocaine Gave a fleeting smile. Was this man
going to die? Most likely, unless of course there was some divine
intervention that would save him. Cocaine decided to be safe. There
want enough information he knew that was given.

The steps of
Cocaine were very smooth as if he was setting up a trap for the
Vaizard, when he walked, his eyes fluttered, his arm's loosened hand
his form hardened to a point. Cocaine stood 6'9" and less than 4 inches
away from the Shinigami. His hand pulsed and another morsel came to the seems that Cocaine had found dinner...

Last edited by Zaquri on Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Registration date : 2010-01-21

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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by Koujetsu Hanagayu Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:27 pm

If you look. Under the template and rules. Where is says "STAT SYSTEM". It tells you your stats.

See? Theres even a link.

Oh, and in case you dont understand THAT, the number of stats the template says? Thats your total. MEaning divide that number up amongst the 4 stats.
Koujetsu Hanagayu
Koujetsu Hanagayu

Posts : 1378
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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by DewBunny Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:08 pm

-_-, You do not give any template or.... Limit? O_O

Strength: 60?

Speed: 210?

Accuracy: 200?

Stamina: 160?

Ok gotta say you made my day with this epic fail right here. even if you hadn't looked at the topic how stupid do you have to be to plug these huge numbers in.....OH WAIT we have our answer right here *signals to Zaquri* yeah and you're bow isn't getting made from sacred hueco mundo parts as there isn't such nonsense at all and hierro piercing arrows? *stifles a laugh* were you trying to be denied for the sake of being denied? *stamps app* FAIL


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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by Zaquri Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:02 pm

Legion wrote:

-_-, You do not give any template or.... Limit? O_O

Strength: 60?

Speed: 210?

Accuracy: 200?

Stamina: 160?

Ok gotta say you made my day with this epic fail right here. even if you hadn't looked at the topic how stupid do you have to be to plug these huge numbers in.....OH WAIT we have our answer right here *signals to Zaquri* yeah and you're bow isn't getting made from sacred hueco mundo parts as there isn't such nonsense at all and hierro piercing arrows? *stifles a laugh* were you trying to be denied for the sake of being denied? *stamps app* FAIL

:O, I see I've spotted the big Douche of the site XD. Your funny, funny enough to make me laugh instead of infuriating me with your pointless insults. Let me tell you why your sad little post trying to make you seem like a douche failed and made you seem even funnier:

1. Read before you reply, Hueco mundo has many materials, The fact that I made something up when basically no one knows anything about the place besides Arrancars reside there, means I have imagination and originality which is required in a RP. And even if that wasn't to be excepted because its unlikely that I will add That bit in my history then All I had to do is make another bow with the same damn ability XD. Either way, pointing that fact out was pointless and that is what made me laugh after you tried to put up all these weird (And completely Gay) douche bag remarks XD. Btw about that, Bravo, You made my day with that little laugh

2. It cannot be failed if it isn't complete Ya tard XD that made me laugh harder and that proved further that you are in fact a Really stupid noob to the Rping world.

3. Hierro piercing arrows are not uncommon, If a quincy states that he has a bow strong enough to pierce a Arrancar's skin there is nothign wrong with that, Check other RP's if you haven't ever been to another one, *Doesn't stifle a laugh because the douche's display of being a ass has failed itself*

Thanks for your opinion but the only 'REAL' Problem is my stats and the unfilled spaces in my character template XD


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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by Koujetsu Hanagayu Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:05 pm

Quincy cant go to Hueco Muendo atm, and the only way you would be able to get materials is by going there. Hollow dont bring Hueco with them, and disappear when killed.

B). Hierro piercing, or piercing arrows in general that "Can go through anything" Nada. Your arrows ARE your reiatsu, so boosting them with that does nothing.

If you really want, I can pick through and throughly explain WHY its not allowed, as there is too uch possible auto hitting and god modding that could be called with said abilities and application.

C). Respect the staff. Gay comments, Douche dont make them. period.

This is PG-13. keep it that way. Insulting the staff in the application is a bad first impression, and will lead to a much harder time getting approved.
Koujetsu Hanagayu
Koujetsu Hanagayu

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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by Zaquri Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:09 pm

Koujetsu Hanagayu wrote:Quincy cant go to Hueco Muendo atm, and the only way you would be able to get materials is by going there. Hollow dont bring Hueco with them, and disappear when killed.

B). Hierro piercing, or piercing arrows in general that "Can go through anything" Nada. Your arrows ARE your reiatsu, so boosting them with that does nothing.

If you really want, I can pick through and throughly explain WHY its not allowed, as there is too uch possible auto hitting and god modding that could be called with said abilities and application.

C). Respect the staff. Gay comments, Douche dont make them. period.

This is PG-13. keep it that way. Insulting the staff in the application is a bad first impression, and will lead to a much harder time getting approved.

A) I had no idea that This site has forbidden Quincies from going to hueco mundo, I guess Uryu was the only one -_-

B) Arrows ARE NOT Quincies rieatsu, They are gathered spirit particles -_-, Oh and if yo uread correctly The sparrow shot cannot pierce anything but organs, You can merely Avoid them by getting otu of the way -_-

C) I give respect when I am given respect, He was childish enough to insult me and so I stooped to his level -_-


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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by Koujetsu Hanagayu Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:13 pm

If you READ THE RULES, it says that noone can go to hueco Muendo without admin permission for one.

Secondly, if you went to Hueco muendo as a Quincy, without anyone like Urahara or Mayuri to help you get there, how would you get there, and how would you get back. That in itself negates your point.

Third. Dont stoop to other peoples levels. Its immature and retarded. If you want to prove yourself to be better, ignore it. Simple.

Fourth. I realized the arrow thing after I said it. But they also encompass a small amount of your own reiatsu, focused through the bow. Otherwise you wouldnt be able to gather them.
Koujetsu Hanagayu
Koujetsu Hanagayu

Posts : 1378
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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by Zaquri Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:19 pm

Koujetsu Hanagayu wrote:If you READ THE RULES, it says that noone can go to hueco Muendo without admin permission for one.

Secondly, if you went to Hueco muendo as a Quincy, without anyone like Urahara or Mayuri to help you get there, how would you get there, and how would you get back. That in itself negates your point.

Third. Dont stoop to other peoples levels. Its immature and retarded. If you want to prove yourself to be better, ignore it. Simple.

Fourth. I realized the arrow thing after I said it. But they also encompass a small amount of your own reiatsu, focused through the bow. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to gather them.

Chill man calm down. I see you using some capitalism there -_-

I acknowledged the fact that I cannot go into hueco mundo, Secondly..... I acknowledged the fact that I cannot go into hueco mundo O_O, Third, If I want to stoop then I can stoop, Immaturity is my Specialty -_-. And Fourth, They are still made out of only Spirit Particles... REad the wiki -_-


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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by Koujetsu Hanagayu Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:25 pm

Mhm, I have. Ive also RPd as Quincy. To harness the spiritual particals and form them into an arrow, on this site, you must use some of your own reiatsu to shape them, otherwise its kinda hard to form a shape with something that isnt yours, and would actually take more energy and stamina to utilize then the way Ive been saying.
Koujetsu Hanagayu
Koujetsu Hanagayu

Posts : 1378
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Registration date : 2009-07-20

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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

Post by Zaquri Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:28 pm

Hmm... To be continued, I'm changing this all because honestly -_-.... I never rped as a quincy O_O


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Sweet Danny and lisa Empty Re: Sweet Danny and lisa

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